Pachanga to the Moon at the Metro

You just had to be there! Our first show this summer couldn’t have been any better. You know the energy of the room is just right when people jump on stage to dance with performers.

I even broke out some of my new bachata moves thanks to our MC Nana and La Obra.

A big shout out to our brand partners Red Bull, Topo Chico and Metro Chicago for their support, we couldn’t have done this without them.

We’d also like to thank our friends and partners Joey Torres and Torres Omar Jewelers for the beautiful Pachanga Chains gifted to Abel and Adam Martinez.

We have a lot of cool energy and elements around our events and it all stem from good music. Thanks to all of our performers for making this pop.

Memo Duarte,
Pachanga Chicago

Photos by Estevan Cruz

Memo’s Marketing Pro-Tip:

Most event producers can tell you that summer is one of the toughest times to promote - with free festivals, cookouts, family camping trips, out of town trips - we are competing with the world! For us, this was a time to leverage our communities and truly seek out what they want. We worked closely with our performers and gave them all of the resources to make sure their performance was exciting. We used our social media to engage our communities with something we knew they wanted to learn more about (it turns out our community wants to learn about dancing!). We produced dance tips with the help of our talented MC NANA and shared them on our instagram. This is key to the Pachanga brand as we have always used the #vamosabailar as our hashtag, And now it has legs to continue to grow and evolve. The results were immediate increase in Reel views (instagram) and shares. Hmm next step, opening up a Tik-Tok!

Abel and Adam Martinez at Pachanga Chicago